vrijdag 16 december 2011

First time merging pictures

Like the title say's, this is my first try at merging 3 or more pictures together. There is one with under, correct and over lighting. These merged together to create a new picture.

Ronny as I am sure you are reading this and why am I doing this in English...
Dus Ronny bedankt voor de hints en tips om dit te doen. Hoewel ik deze keer uw tooltje niet heb gebruikt deze was ik vergeten in Huizingen. Zodus met photoshop gedaan :) Laat mij zeker weten wat je ervan denkt en wat er beter moet.

Until next time everyone.

dinsdag 6 december 2011

Playing on the playground at night

Ah it was indeed very fun at the playground. It was actually really dark there but we have flashlights and I like the dark.

First try to create an orb. Looks pretty good but we should have turned of the light after the orb was done. But from mistakes we learn. 

Yes that is me that you see there in the dark.